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14. National Food Security Mission

The mission was launched in 2007 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare) with a target to improve Rice production by 10 million tonnes, Wheat by 8 MT and Pulses by 2 MT.

During Twelfth Five year plan the mission was continued with a new target of additional production of 25 million tonnes of food grains comprising 10 MT Rice, 8 MT wheat, 4 MT pulses, and 3 MT of coarse cereals.

NFSM during this period had 5 components i.e.

o NFSM-Rice

o NFSM-Wheat

o NFSM-Pulses

o NFSM-Coarse Cereals

o NFSM-Commercial crops (Sugarcane, Jute, Cotton)


♤ In NFSM during 2016-17, new initiatives to enhance production and productivity has been adopted such as free of cost distribution of seed mini kits of newer varieties of pulses, creation of seed hubs, bio fertilisers and bio agent labs, technological demonstration by KVKs etc.