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The restructured NBM strives:

To increase the area under bamboo plantation in non-forest Government and private lands to supplement farm income and contribute towards resilience to climate change.

To improve post-harvest management through establishment of innovative primary processing units, treatment and seasoning plants, primary treatment and seasoning plants, preservation technologies and market infrastructure.

To promote product development at micro, small and medium levels and feed bigger industry.

To rejuvenate the under developed bamboo industry in India.

To promote skill development, capacity building, awareness generation for development of bamboo sector.

4. National Horticulture Board (NHB) schemes: will address developmental issues on commercial horticulture through entrepreneurs involving institutional financing. Applied in all States and UTs

5. Coconut Development Board (CDB) schemes: applied in States and UTs producing Coconut

6. Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH), Nagaland schemes: in NE states, focusing on HRD and capacity building

MIDH works closely with National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) and also provides technical advice and administrative support to the Saffron Mission, and other horticulture related activities like Vegetable Initiative for Urban Clusters (VIUC) funded by RKVY/NMSA. It encourages aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like FIGs/FPOs (Farmer Interest Groups/Farmer Producer Organisations) and FPCs (Farmer Producer Companies) to bring economy of scale and scope. The overall objective of the scheme is to strengthen nutritional security through enhanced horticulture production and augmenting farmers’ income.