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10. Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC)

The mission was launched in 2000 with the objectives of improving the yield and quality of cotton through development of better cotton varieties and improved seeds, integrated water, nutrient and pest management technologies

to increase the income of cotton growers by reducing cost of cultivation and increasing yield per hectare through transfer of technology, and

to improve the quality of processing cotton by improving infrastructure and by modernising the factories and setting up new units.

TMC had four mini missions under it.

Mini Mission I deals with cotton research and technology development

Mini Mission II deals with transfer of technology and development. This mission has been subsumed under National Food Security Mission-Commercial Crops (NFSM-CC) from 2014-15 in major cotton growing states.

Mini Mission III and IV deal with development of market infrastructure and modernisation/setting up of new ginning and pressing factories respectively.

Mini missions III and IV stand terminated from December 2010.