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12. National Mission on Bio Diesel

This mission was approved in 2009 with Department of Land Resource, Ministry of Rural Development as nodal agency.

The mission was to be implemented in 2 phases i.e. Phase I as Demonstration Project and Phase II as Self Sustaining Expansion of Bio diesel program.

o The Demonstration Phase (2006-07) has been taken under Mission Mode as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, implemented by State Governments. 3lakh hectare plantations of bio diesel producing non edible oilseeds species (Jatropha or Ratanjot and Pongamia or Karanji) on degraded forest land and waste land was to be assessed by TERI and then only the mission was to be finally approved.

The ultimate aim of the mission was supplementation of petroleum by bio diesel fuel to the extent of 20% by the end of phase II program (2011-12).

The target was not achieved due to lack of sufficient Jatropha seeds to produce bio diesel.


♤ The target of 20% bio fuel blending has been set to be achieved by 2017 which is yet to be achieved. ♤ This scheme was delinked from Central Government support in 2015 after 14th Finance Commission devolved more funds to States.