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14. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. How can Directive Principles be seen as both complementary and supplementary to Fundamental Rights?Answer:2. “The Directive Principles of State Policy are socialistic in their direction and content."Answer:3. “The sanction behind Directive Principles of State Policy is in fact political”. Explain. How has the issue of priority in case of conflict between the provisions of Part III and IV of the Constitution evolved over the years?Answer:4. Discus how Directive Principle of State Policy have shaped the policy making process in India. Do you think it has been successful in achieving its objective. Analyse.Answer:Gandhian PrinciplesInternational Principles5. Directive Principles can be considered as even more important than the Fundamental Rights because they provide a positive thrust towards welfare. Examine.Answer:6. Directive Principles of State Policy, though not legally enforceable in a court of law, are perceived as 'conscience of the Constitution’ and are fundamental to governance of the country. Comment.Answer: