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The Directive Principles of State Policy, although non-justiciable, lays down the principles, which are considered fundamental in the governance of the country, making it the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws to establish a just society in the country. The DPSP draws its power from multiple sources (Irish Constitution) including Gandhian principles and the constitution framers enshrined many principles in order to establish a new social order in which justice – social, economic and political shall prevail.

Implementation of DPSP Socio-economic principles

Land reforms and abolition of Zamindari System.

National Commission for the Welfare of Women has been established.

Ceiling has been placed on land and property to fix the limit of person’s holdings.

The rules require that both men and women be paid equal wages for equal work.

Schemes like MGNREGA (Right to work), SABLA, ICDS, National Social Assistance, Mid-day meal etc. are examples of state attempt to follow the principles embodied in the articles 39,41.