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10. Previous year UPSC Prelims Questions


2015Ans (c) 2017Ans (c)Ans (c)Ans (a)Ans (a)Ans (c) 2018Ans (c)Ans (c) 2019Ans (b) 2020Ans (d)Ans (d)1. ‘It is not necessary that everyone receives equal treatment, but everyone must be treated as equal’. Explain Article 14 of the Indian Constitution in light of the above statement.Answer:2. The government cannot condition receipt of public benefits on waiver of fundamental rights. Discuss this statement in context of the recent issues raised in the Aadhaar petitions.Answer:Issues with Aadhar:3. Reservation policy is a logical and useful strategy for ensuring justice and providing equal opportunity to the socially oppressed groups. Discuss.Answer:4. Discuss the issue of reservation in promotions for SCs and STs in public employment in the light of various judicial pronouncements and constitutional amendments.Answer:5. Freedom of expression is a right, however, it does not grant the right to defame any person. Discuss the statement in the light of various Supreme Court judgments.Answer:6. Criticism about the judiciary should be welcomed, so long as criticisms do not hamper the “administration of justice”. In this context discuss whether the power of contempt of court given to the higher judiciary limits the freedom granted by Article 19(1)(a) and whether these two can be reconciled.Answer:7. The Supreme Court in its judgment on 26/11 slammed the media for its lust for TRPs, which jeopardized the security of the nation. Can the actions of media be justified in the context of right to freedom and speech? Discuss the principles and concerns that the media should keep in mind while covering such incidents.Answer:Concerns:8. The principle of accountability is an essential part of the rule of law. In this context, discuss the lacunae in government's approach and judiciary's response to the phenomenon of extrajudicial killings in India.Answer:Extra judicial killingsJudiciary’s response:9. Highlight the importance of Right to Education. Also, discuss the issues linked with the 'No detention' policy.Answer:10. The right to live with dignity under Article 21 includes the right to die with dignity. Discuss in light of various judicial pronouncements by the Apex Court on this matter. Also, critically examine the various issues associated with the Medical Treatment of Terminally Ill Patients Bill 2016.Answer:11. Despite the phrase 'due process of law' not being included in Article 21, the Supreme Court, over the years, has adopted the doctrines of 'procedural due process' and 'substantive due process' into Indian constitutional law. Comment.Answer:12. Article 22 of the Indian Constitution is a necessary evil. Discuss. Approach:Answer:However, there are contentious provisions in the Article, which include:13. Is the freedom to profess, practice and propagate religion, provided under article 25 of the Indian constitution a historical mistake committed by constituent assembly, discuss in view of the recent controversy on religious conversions?Answer:14. Right to freedom of religion cannot be allowed to deny right to equality and individual dignity. Discuss in the light of constitutional provisions and recent judicial pronouncements.Answer:15. Special rights are not privileges but they are granted to make it possible for minorities to preserve their identity, culture and traditions. Elaborate in the context of India with examples.Answer:16. Where there is a right, there is a remedy. In this context, discuss the nature and significance of writs in India with adequate examples.Answer: