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9. Previous year UPSC GS Mains Questions

1. In many democratic countries radio and television are not under the control of the state. Do you think that the same policy should be adopted in India? Mention briefly the points in favour of and against such a step. (Not more than 200 words) (80/I/14/25)

2. The Press in India is free to publish any news and views except those, which are objectionable from the point of view of the security of state, friendly relations with Foreign States etc. What steps have been taken recently by Government to prevent monopoly of the management of the newspaper, to encourage the growth of small newspapers and to prevent the exploitation of working journalists and other employees of Indian newspapers? (Not more than 150 words) (81/I/6/25)

3. Bring out the significance of the Fundamental rights provided in the Constitution of India. The right to acquire, hold and dispose of property has ceased to be a fundamental right. Examine the purpose of the change involved. (in about 150 words) (81/II/4a/20)

4. Why has there been reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the legislatures and in public services? Has the purpose been achieved? Indicate recent developments. (in about 150 words) (81/II/4b/20)

5. Differentiate between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. Do you think that the latter have been adequately implemented? Give reasons for your views (in about 150 words) (82/II/5c/20)

6. Consider the recommendations of the Mandal Commission and offer your comments, referring to the situations obtaining in the country. (in about 150 words). (83/II/4c/20)

7. What is meant by Habeas Corpus? What is the purpose of a writ of Habeas Corpus? (83/II/8a(B)/2)

8. What is the present status of the Right to Property? (84/II/8a(B)/3)

9. What is dealt with in Articles 25 of Indian Constitution? What was the controversy about it recently? (Not more than 100 words) (84/I/9a/20)

10. What are the main causes of anti-reservation stir in Gujarat? What are the provisions in our Constitution regarding reservation? Do your consider the policy of reservation justified? (About 200 words) (85/I/11/35)

11. What to you understand by "preventive detention"? (86/II/8f(B)/3)

12. Discuss the importance of Article 32 of the Indian Constitution. (in about 150 words) (87/II/4c/20)

13. Define the writ of Certiorari. (87/II/8a(B)/3)

14. What to you understand by 'positive discrimination'? (87/II/8b(B)/3)

15. Explain the concept of Minorities in the India Constitution and mention the safeguards provided therein for their protection. (150 words) (88/II/4b/20)

16. What the "reasonable restrictions" mentioned in the Indian Constitution accompanying the fundamental rights? (in about 150 words) (90/II/4d/20)

17. Explain the significance of Prasar Bharati Corporation in the context of Modern mass media. (90/II/8a(B)/3)

18. Define writ of Mandamus. Explain its importance. (90/II/8e(B)/3)

19. Discuss the secular nature of Indian polity and the position of minorities in India. (in 150 words) (91/II/4c/20)

20. The writ of Mandamus will not be granted against certain persons. Who are they? (92/II/4c/20)

21. Distinguish between preventive detention and punitive detention. (93/II/8a(B)/3)

22. When and why was the National Literacy Mission founded? (93/II/8c(B)/3)

23. What is meant by 'equal protection of law'? (93/II/8d(B)/3)

24. What is the purpose of Article 24 of the Constitution of India? (93/II/8f(B)/3)

25. Difference between the 'due process of law' and 'the procedure established by law' in the context of deprivation of personal liberty in India. (94/II/8a(B)/3)

26. Explain the meaning of ex post-facto legislation (94/II/8b(B)/3)

27. Indicate the provisions of Indian Constitution relating to Secularism. (94/II/8e(B)/3)

28. What are the constitutional rights of the citizens of India? What do you think about the demand of the NRI's for dual citizenship? (150 words) (95/II/4c/20)

29. What is the present status of the right to property as a Fundamental Right? (95/II/8b(B)/3)

30. Why is Article 32 considered as the cornerstone of the Constitution? (95/II/8c(B)/3)

31. The writ of Mandamus cannot be granted against certain persons. Who are they? (96/II/8c(B)/3)

32. What are the provisions regarding the protection of Linguistic minorities in the Constitution? (in about 75 words) (97/I/3d/10)

33. What is Social Justice? How can reservation of seats for women in Parliament contribute to the establishment of a socially just society in India? (97/II/1b/40)

34. What, according to the Supreme Court, Constituted 'The Basic Features' which is upheld in case known as

o Keshavanand Bharati v/s. State of Kerala (1990)

o Minerva Mills v/s. Union of India (1990)? (in about 150 words) (97/II/4c/20)

35. What specific provisions exist in the Constitution of India about child labour? (97/II/8e(B)/3)

36. What are the circumstances leading to the promulgation of Prasar Bharti Ordinance in August 1998? (in about 50 words) (98/I/7a/6)

37. State the amplitude of Article 21 of the Constitution. (98/II/8c(B)/3)

38. On what grounds does Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibit discrimination? Indicate the way the concept of 'Special protection' has qualified this prohibition, and contributed to social change. (in about 250 words) (99/II/1b/40)

39. What is the status of the right to Property in the Indian Constitution? (in about 25 words) (99/II/9e/3)

40. Discuss the constitutional provisions regarding the rights of children. (in about 150 words) (01/I/8c/15)

41. Discuss how the Constitution of India provides equal rights. (in about 250 words) (04/I/7a/30)

42. What is Habeas Corpus? (20 words) (04/I/9a/2)

43. What is the special facility provided to the linguistic minorities under Article 350 A? (04/I/9c/10)

44. Give your views on the right to freedom of religion as enshrined in the Indian Constitution. Do they make India a secular State (250 words) (05/I/7b/30)

45. What are the constitutional limitations on the free movements of Indians throughout the country? (150 words) (05/I/8a/15)

46. What is the meant by 'double jeopardy'? (20 words) (05/I/9a/2)

47. What is right to life and personal liberty? How have the courts expanded its meaning in recent years ? (in 250 words) (06/I/6a/30)

48. Bring out the difference between the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. Discuss some of the measures taken by the Union and State Governments for the implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy. (250 words) (07/I/6b/30)

49. What is the importance of Right to Constitutional Remedies? (07/I/9e/2)

50. 'As we live in a plural society we need the greatest freedom to express our opinions even if others find it offensive' – Do you agree? Discuss with reference to some recent incidents in the Indian context. (09/I/9c/15)

51. Discuss Section 66A of IT Act, with reference to its alleged violation of Article 19 of the Constitution. (2013)

52. What do you understand by the concept “freedom of speech and expression”? Does it cover hate speech also? Why do the films in India stand on a slightly different plane from other forms of expression? Discuss. (2014)

53. Khap Panchayats have been in the news for functioning as extra-constitutional authorities, often delivering pronouncements amounting to human rights violations. Discuss critically the actions taken by the legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the things right in this regard. (2015)Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the Supreme Court on Right to Privacy. (2017)