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9. Previous Years’ Questions


1. Election surveys, particularly opinion polls, have recently come under a cloud of controversy because of their ability to influence the voters. Do pre-election opinion polls tangibly influence decisions of voters? Is there a need to impose reasonable restrictions on opinion polls conducted by media.Answer:Conclusion:2. Elections in India have become an “on-going” process, which has impeded efficiency and governance. In this context, critically evaluate the idea of simultaneously holding elections to the Parliament and State Assemblies in India.Answer:Arguments in favour of simultaneous electionsArguments against simultaneous elections3. Repeated violations of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) have raised questions on its effectiveness. In this light, discuss the idea of making MCC a part of Representation of Peoples Act, 1951.Answer:4. It has been argued that the 'First past the post' system fails to represent the will of the majority and encourages vote-bank politics. In this context, examine whether India should adopt Proportional Representation System to reform our electoral process.Answer:Examples from across the world:Merits of first past the post systemProportional Representation SystemProblems with PR system5. Critically discuss the major reforms introduced in the area of electoral funding in Union Budget 2017. Do you think that state funding of elections is a viable idea to check misuse of money power in politics?Answer:State funding as remedy to check misuse of money power in politics is advocated by many as it can:6. Criminalisation of politics remains a key concern for the Indian political system. In this context, analyse the role played by the Supreme Court and Election Commission over the years. Also, in what ways can the media play a positive role?Answer:Role played by Supreme Court (SC)Role played by Election Commission of India (ECI)Role that Media can play7. It is of paramount importance to ensure that the Election Commission of India (ECI) be fully insulated from political pressure to maintain the purity of elections. In this context, discuss the need to have a relook at the process of appointment and removal of election commissioners to the ECI.Answer:Way Forward8. What are the challenges posed by paid news and political advertising in conducting free and fair elections? Discuss, in brief, the need to amend the Representation of People's Act to regulate this issue. What other steps can be taken to address it?Answer:Challenges posed in conducting free and fair electionsNeed to amend RPAOther steps9. Despite legislative changes with respect to funding of political parties in recent years, many challenges still exist with regards to transparency in electoral funding. Discuss. Can state funding of elections help in addressing these challenges?Answer: