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8. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. What are the different aspects of capacity building that need to be taken into account to address the capacity deficit within Panchayats and Municipal bodies?Answers:2. Though Parliament had enacted The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, but it has been implemented very poorly across the states. Bring out the various reasons behind its poor implementation and the measures needed for its success.Answer3. Tracing the evolution of panchayati raj since independence highlight its achievements in facilitating the inclusion of vulnerable sections of society in the political process.Answer:4. Panchayati raj institutions (PRIs) are simultaneously a remarkable success and a staggering failure, depending on the goalposts against which they are evaluated. Discuss.Answer:Failures:5. Absence of a powerful and politically accountable leadership in the cities is considered as one of the primary reasons for urban woes. Do you think that direct election of mayor can help in overcoming this issue? What other alternatives can be explored for improving the working of urban local bodies?Answer:Position of MayorNecessity of direct electionsAlternative to direct elections