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Biodiversity is defined as ‘the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems’.

- United Nations Earth Summit (1992)

Do you know?

Sea snakes are very poisonous. The most poisonous one is the Beaded Sea Snake. Just 3 drops of venom can kill about 8 people! Their other methods of defense include to spray a stinky, musky liquid or to poop. Eew!

Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is fundamental to ecologically sustainable development. Biodiversity is part of our daily lives and livelihood, and constitutes resources upon which families, communities, nations and future generations depend.


9.1.1. Levels of Biodiversity(a) Genetic diversity:9.1.2. Measurement of Biodiversity9.1.3. Biodiversity and Food Web9.1.4. Services provided by Biodiversity:(c) Social services9.1.5. Causes for Biodiversity Loss(a) Natural causes(b) Man-Made causes9.1.6. Biodiversity conservation9.1.7. Modes of ConservationConstraints in biodiversity conservation9.1.8. Botanical gardenPurpose of botanical gardens9.1.9. ZOO