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Biodiversity found on Earth today consists of many millions of distinct biological species, the product of four billion years of evolution. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, it includes all organisms, species, and populations; the genetic variation among these; and their complex assemblages of communities and ecosystems. It also refers to the interrelatedness of genes, species, and ecosystems and in turn, their interactions with the environment.

This is life, This is Biodiversity.


9.1. BIODIVERSITY9.1.1. Levels of Biodiversity(a) Genetic diversity:9.1.2. Measurement of Biodiversity9.1.3. Biodiversity and Food Web9.1.4. Services provided by Biodiversity:(c) Social services9.1.5. Causes for Biodiversity Loss(a) Natural causes(b) Man-Made causes9.1.6. Biodiversity conservation9.1.7. Modes of ConservationConstraints in biodiversity conservation9.1.8. Botanical gardenPurpose of botanical gardens9.1.9. ZOO9.2. THE RED DATA BOOK9.2.1. Extinct (EX)9.2.2. Extinct in the Wild (EW)9.2.3. Critically Endangered (CR)criteria9.2.4. Endangered (EN)criteria9.2.5. Vulnerable (VU)criteria9.2.6. Near Threatened (NT)9.2.7. Least Concern (LC)9.2.8. Data Deficient (DD)9.2.9. Not Evaluated (NE)