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13. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. Discuss the various aspects of the issue of development displacement. Suggest means to address the same.2013-2(f)-291Answer:2. Internal migration not only affects the migrant but also the source and destination regions. Discuss. Suggest some measures to tackle the issues related to internal migration.Answer:Migrants:♤ Limited Access to Formal Financial Services results in them being exploited by their employers and they face risk of theft and personal injury in saving and transferring their earnings.Source Region:Destination Region:3. Growing spatial inequalities in economic opportunities have significantly impacted the pace and pattern of internal migration in India. Discuss. Also give an account of the challenges that have been arising due to high internal migration and steps that should be taken to tackle these challenges.Answer:4. Mass exodus of people inhabiting mountain regions to plains is fast turning hamlets into haunted villages, in places like Uttarakhand. Discuss the causes, implications and possible remedies for this phenomenon.Answer:The various reasons for this situation include:Implications of excess outward migration:Possible solutions include: