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Linguistic Unity and National integration:

However, the linguistic heterogeneity has not always been disruptive for national integration. With linguistic diversity, one has also witnessed, the development of an ‘all India common vocabulary.’ Ex. Sanskrit, which has not only acted as bridge between different Indo Aryan languages, but also between Indo Aryan and Dravidian languages. Ex. In contemporary times, “Hinglish”, which is the blending of English language with Hindi and other languages spoken in India.

The mainstream cinema ‘’Bollywood’’, has immensely contributed to the

development of an all India vocabulary.

The popularity of many ‘Epics’ and ‘fictional non-fictional literature’, has lead their translation into many different languages. This has also contribute to ‘linguistic unity’ in India.


3. Explain India s 'diversity in unity’. Illustrate from the socio- cultural life of people. Approach:Answer:4. While democratic institutions in India have led to changes in the caste structure, these changes have at best led to only partial re-distributive outcomes for the backward castes. Discuss.Answer:5. “Linguistic, regional and tribal identity rather than religion has provided the most important basis for the formation of ethno-national identities in India”. Explain.Answer:6. In recent times, there has been a clamor for implementing Article 44 of the Indian Constitution. To what extent is such a demand justified, given the socio-cultural diversity of India.Answer:7. Marriage and family institutions in India are marked by continuity as well as change. Discuss in the context of legislations and socio-economic changes that have been taking place over the past few decades in India.Answer: