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Marriage and family institutions are the repositories of the core values of the Indian society. These institutions are still seen as a social legitimation to have children . We can see the domination of patriarchal values and feudal mindsets in these institutions. However, under the impact of socio-economic changes and legislations, they are undergoing many changes.

Factors influencing change and continuity in Marriage and family institutions

Economic Changes

o Industrialisation and Urbanisation: Growth of cities and city culture have a direct impact on the family and marriage.

modern industries have lessened the economic functions of the family and led to the replacement of Joint family structure with Nuclear families.

Status of women in the family has improved as they have become more educated and started working, thus along with other male members in the family ,they also now have a say in family issues.

In partner selection, job and salary are given more importance, than the family background , caste or religion. Also the online matrimonial sites have come up which has reduced the role of elders of the family.

To fulfil career and individual ambitions , “delayed marriages” and “long – distance marriages” have become a common feature

Marriage is often held in cities more as a social or a civil ceremony than a religious ceremony. The duration of marriage ceremony is also cut short in the city . Elaborate customs are either avoided or shortened ; court marriages preferred.

In cities, the cases of divorce , desertion , separation , broken families etc alongwith pre-marital and extra-marital sex relations are seen.