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10. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. Any discourse on environmental movements in India is incomplete without analysing the role of women in it. Comment.2. Feminization of agriculture has led to women empowerment in rural India. Critically analyse.Answer:3. Why is it that the societal trends that maintain a violent order against women have remained intact, when there has been a legal expansion of women’s rights in India?Answer:4. What are the factors responsible for high infant mortality rate in India? Discuss its implications for Indian women. Suggest steps that have been taken by the government to address this problem.Answer:5. Investment in the future of girl child is not only a question of economic priority but also one of social attitude. Comment. How can the government schemes help change entrenched social attitudes vis a vis the girl child?Answer:Role of governmentExamples6. Even though the provision of reservation for women has enhanced their presence and visibility, this has not necessarily translated into their empowerment. Do you agree? On what grounds is the reservation for women in Parliament opposed?Answer:In favour:7. Over the past few years, there have been innumerable cases of domestic workers, nearly all of them female, being abused and exploited by their employers. What are the factors that make domestic workers vulnerable to abuse and exploitation? Enumerate the provisions in Domestic Workers Welfare and Social Security Act 2010 to prevent their exploitation.Answer:8. Gender justice is often hindered by religious sensitivity over women related issues. In this context, discuss how gender justice can be ensured while also keeping in mind religious sensitivity of different communities.Answer:Ensuring Gender Justice while respecting religion9. It has been observed by some that emergence of a distinct “female vote bank” has made political parties and leaders take women related issues seriously. Critically examine in the context of electoral mobilisation in India in the recent times.Answer:However, this idea has certain limitations:10. Portrayal of stereotypical sensational images of women not only reduces their identity to a mere object of desire but also reinforces the patriarchal structure of the society. Discuss with examples.Answer: