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In favour:

In states like M.P , kerala , chattisgarh, rajasthan where the reservation has been extended to women in local municipal corporations and PRIs , positive impact on governance is visible where they are headed by women.

They have contributed immensely in overcoming social taboos and constraints like removal of ghunghat , sitting at same height as men on chairs etc.

Though it begins at token equality that caused acute discomfort and even confrontation, women especially dalit has been able to push boundaries and create space in the decision making sphere across all sectors.

All this may lead to a gradual change in cultural values of community which will slowly lead to not only equality in socio-economic area but also commensurate political equality with decision making capability.

Opposition to the 108th constitutional bill providing reservation to women are on following grounds:

India being a Patriarchial society, thereby denying women any role in political participation

Traditional orthodox groups like khap panchayat etc in opposition and political pressure over parties as loss of vote bank, electoral calculations.

Fear of usurpation of power by few in the form of entry of related women of politician in parliament, thus capturing the whole process under the aegis of nepotism and favoritism.

Disincentive for MP and MLA as seats will be on rotation basis so they might not focus on their constituencies.

Reservation do not lead to real empowerment as seats are contested by women from rich families, business and political families.

Denies equality of opportunity to males to contest from those seats.

Though the bill is opposed, still it should be pursued so as to enable inclusive growth to all in the society and also to guarantee democratic rights to women at par with men.


7. Over the past few years, there have been innumerable cases of domestic workers, nearly all of them female, being abused and exploited by their employers. What are the factors that make domestic workers vulnerable to abuse and exploitation? Enumerate the provisions in Domestic Workers Welfare and Social Security Act 2010 to prevent their exploitation.Answer:8. Gender justice is often hindered by religious sensitivity over women related issues. In this context, discuss how gender justice can be ensured while also keeping in mind religious sensitivity of different communities.Answer: