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Investment in the future of a girl child is inextricably linked to the goal of gender equality and women empowerment. This includes investing in their education, health, skill development, etc. McKinsey’s 2015 report, ‘The Power of Parity: Advancing women’s equality in India’, estimates that India can add $700 billion of additional GDP

in 2025 by matching the momentum towards gender parity to the fastest country in the region. A majority of this would come from improving labour force participation by 10 percentage points. This will require bridging both social and economic gaps.

Some of the ways in which investment in the future of girl child can help improve social attitude are:-

Greater participation of men in women empowerment programmes like He4She campaign

Innovative methods such as nukkad nataks

Naming and shaming of the perpetrators of women related crimes.

Making women more aware of their rights and involving them in formulating policies.