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15. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. The Indian constitution wonderfully adopts the via media between the American system of Judicial Supremacy and the British principle of parliamentary supremacy. Explain.Answer:2. The Upper Chamber of Parliaments across the world are generally considered less powerful vis-à-vis their Lower Chamber. However, they are also vested with certain functions and powers, which enables them to play a decisive role. Critically analyse with special emphasis on India.Answer:3. Whereas the legislature is empowered to regulate the ratification of international treaties in the United States, in India it is mostly the domain of the executive. Examine the rationale and benefits of these two approaches with examples.Answer:Treaty making in India4. Ninth amendment to the American Constitution states that the enumeration of certain rights in the Bill of Rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Is this statement true with respect to the Constitution of India also? If yes, what is the difference between fundamental rights included in part 3 of our Constitution and the rights mentioned outside part 3?Answer:5. In comparison with the American constitutional arrangement, where there is strict separation of executive and legislature, the Indian Constitution provides for a fused structure. Do you think this system has worked for India?Answer: