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Part 3

India, being a parliamentary democracy doesn’t follow strict separation of powers. The (political) executive is invariably part of legislature also. And hence there is harmony between the two.

Also because the executive enjoys majority in the Lok Sabha; almost all policy and legislative initiatives of the executive are passed.

If the executive fails to get its legislative initiative particularly budget passed by the Lok Sabha, it shows lack of confidence by the Lok Sabha in the council of ministers (CoM)and fresh CoM may come into power or fresh elections may be called for.

That’s why shutdowns like the one in USA don’t occur in India as there is little

possibility of faceoff between executive and legislature.


4. What are the major changes that have taken place in global governance structures, which have led to a dilution in the principle of separation of powers?Answer:5. Judicial Activism has hurt the separation of power principle in India and is not healthy for Indian polity. With the help of few judgments given by the Supreme Court of India, critically analyse this statement.Answer: