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Part 1

Government in the USA underwent a partial shutdown in early October 2013, because the Congress (federal legislature of the USA) failed to pass the budget due to disagreements between Republican controlled House of Representatives and Senate which is controlled by Democrats. The republicans caused the delay as they didn’t support the policy initiative of the executive namely Affordable Care Act (also known as Obama Care).

Part 2

Under separation of powers, the executive (President) is completely separated from the legislature as:

o President and his secretaries are not members of Congress

o President and his secretaries are not answerable to Congress

o President enjoys a full term which is not effected by majority/minority of his party in either house

At the same time, legislature is independent of executive because:

o President doesn’t prorogue, summon or address it

o President doesn’t have the power to dissolve it

o The veto of President can be overridden by Congress

It’s notable however that the two organs are only separated, they are not severed. Each maintains checks and balances over the other. For instance Senate approves the appointments made by the President and ratifies the treaty signed by him. Similarly President needs to sign bill passed by the Congress before it can be enacted into a law and he enjoys veto powers over it.