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Following measures are required to restore the credibility of the Parliament:

Fix minimum number of sittings: 120 for Lok Sabha, and 100 for Rajya Sabha as was recommended by National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution.

Advanced annual calendar of the sittings of the house, which is drawn by the Parliament itself, and not at the sole discretion of the executive.

Adopt system of shadow cabinet where opposition MPs can assume portfolios, and hence scrutinize and track the progress in detail.

Electoral reforms to check criminalization, use of money power, and curb the menace of fake news.

Responsible opposition, which invests in constructive debates, and minimal disruptions to promote responsible legislation.

Providing a role for the Election commission in deciding issues such as defection.

Strengthening of committee system.

Encouraging greater say of the electorate by considering measures such as right to recall.

Parliament as the highest legislative office of India owes its accountability to the ultimate sovereign – the people of India. Constructive debates, deliberations, disputes and dialogue are the soul of Indian democracy, and the parliament needs to be the flag- bearer.


11. Parliamentary committees increase the efficiency and expertise of Parliament. In this context, examine the role played by public accounts committee and suggest measures to further strengthen it.Answer: