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1. His article entitled as "The Supreme Court: 1947” was published in the Fortune magazine.

2. Black’s Law Dictionary.

3. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.

3a. V.G. Palishikar, Judicial Activism, AIR 1998, Journal volume 8, p. 201.

3b. Black’s Law Dictionary.

3c. P.B. Sawant, Judicial Independence - Myth and Reality, (Pune: Board of Extra Mural Studies), 1987, p. 70.

3d. V.N. Shukla and Mahendra Pal Singh, Constitution of India, Eastern Book Company, Thirteenth Edition, 2017, p. A-51.

3e. Adish C. Aggarwal, Judicial Activism in India, Chapter 12 in Judicial Activism in India: A Festschrift in honour of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Edited by Lokendra Malik, Universal Law Publishing Co., First Edition, 2013, p. 126.

3f. Dr. Vishal Guleria, Judicial Activism: A Ray of Hope for the Marginalised Masses, Chapter 22 in Judicial Activism in India : A Festschrift in honour of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Edited by Lokendra Malik, Universal Law Publishing co., First Edition, 2013, pp. 292-293.

3g. Justice A.S. Anand, Judicial Review-Judicial Activism- Need for Caution, Chapter 1 in Judicial Activism in India: A Festschrift in honour of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer, Edited by Lokendra Malik, Universal Law Publishing Co., First Edition, 2013, p. 7.

3h. Rabindra Kr. Pathak, Judicial Process, First Edition, 2019, Thomson Reuters, p. 259.

4. Dr. B.L. Wadehra, Public Interest Litigation: A Handbook, Second Edition, 2009, Universal Law Publishing Co., pp. 161-162.

5. Subhash C. Kashyap, "Judiciary Legislature Interface”, in Politics India, New Delhi, April 1997, p. 22.

5a. Dr. Vandana, Dimensions of Judicial Activism in India, 2016, Raj Publications, New Delhi PP.33-34.

6. Upendra Baxi, "The Avatars of Indian Judicial Activism: Explorations in the Geographies of [in] Justice” in S.K. Verma and Kusum (Ed.), Fifty Years of the Supreme Court of India–Its Grasp and Reach, Indian Law Institute and Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 173-175.

7. Upendra Baxi, "Judicial Activism: Legal Education and Research in Globalising India” in Mainstream, New Delhi, 24 February, 1996, p. 16.

8. Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan, Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics, First Indian Edition, 2004, p. 284.

9. Joel B. Grossman and Richard S. Wells (ed), Constitutional Law and Judicial Policy Making, 1972, pp. 56-57.

10. The Hindu, "Don’t cross limits, apex court asks judges”, December 11, 2007.