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Indira Gandhi: the First Phase


(January 1966 to March 1977)Political Journey after IndependencePrime MinisterCongress Split and Minority Government at the CentreThe 1971 Elections: Indira TriumphantProblemsThe JP MovementThe Allahabad High Court Decision and the Imposition of EmergencyState of Emergency (1975–1977)Indira Gandhi and JP— Both to be Blamed?Elections of 1977—Indira GandhiDevelopments in the Political SystemChanges in the CongressGrowth of Regional InterestsAnnexation of SikkimLanguage Policy to Curb the Anti-Hindi DisturbancesClipping the Wings of the JudiciaryThe Forty-Second Amendment Act: A Mini Constitution of SortsSocio-Economic PoliciesNationalisation of Banks and Other Sectors of EconomyAbolition of Princely PrivilegesMRTP ActSteps for Equity and Poverty ReductionTackling Economic ProblemsDevaluation of the RupeeFourth Five-Year PlanGreen Revolution SuccessFifth Five-Year PlanThe Indo-Pak War of 1971 and the Birth of BangladeshThe 1970 Polls in Pakistan and Unrest in East PakistanRefugee Influx in India and Indian ResponseWar and Liberation of East PakistanThe Simla AgreementText of the Simla AgreementForeign Policy and Relations with other CountriesThe Smiling Buddha