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Steps for Equity and Poverty Reduction

It was under Indira Gandhi’s administration that a clause calling for equal pay for equal work for both men and women was enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

It was also in the cause of social equity that the princely privileges were withdrawn.

Her programme for poverty reduction and redistribution of wealth included rapid enforcement of land ceilings – agricultural as well as urban land ownership; legislation for redistribution of land to the marginal farmers was also passed in many states.

A programme was initiated for distribution of food grains at low cost to the economically vulnerable sections of population. A crash programme for creation of employment in rural areas was also devised.

Programmes for building houses for landless labourers


“. . . even the late prime minister’s critics would concede that the maximum number of legislations of social significance was brought about during her tenure.”

Pankaj Vohra

“I suppose you could call me a socialist, but you have to understand what we mean by that term...we used the word [socialism] because it came closest to what we wanted to do here – which is to eradicate poverty. You can call it socialism; but if by using that word we arouse controversy, I don’t see why we should use it. I don’t believe in words at all.”

Indira Gandhi

were designed. At least on paper, bonded labour was abolished and there was a moratorium on the debts of the poor.

As already mentioned, the nationalised banks had to keep in mind priority sector lending.

The nature of the reforms has been criticised, but it cannot be denied that the social changes had the long-term effect of bringing to prominence middle-ranking farmers from the lower castes. And these classes were to pose a challenge in the political system in the North.