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Emergence of New Forces: Socialistic Ideas, Youth Power, Trade Unionism

The third decade of the twentieth century is a watershed in modern Indian history in more ways than one. While, on the

one hand, this period marked the entry of Indian masses into the national movement, on the other hand, this period saw the basic crystallisation of the main political currents on the national scene. These diverse political currents owed their origin partly to the coming on the scene of the Gandhian philosophy of satyagraha based on truth and non-violence, as they embodied a positive or negative reaction to it. The international influence on Indian political thinkers during this phase was also more pronounced than before.

The new forces to emerge during the 1920s included the following.


Spread of Marxist and Socialist IdeasActivism of Indian YouthPeasants’ AgitationsGrowth of Trade UnionismCaste MovementsRevolutionary Activity with a Turn towards Socialism