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Improving work culture in government offices
♤ A strong will and political commitment to the vision of e-governance is needed from within the government to utilise these tool effectively
♤ The government staffs needs to imbibe the values of transparency, accountability and efficiency. Then digital tools can be efficiently used to usher good governance.
♤ Training and capacity building on the use of these tools in terms of necessary skills and knowledge to conceptualise, initiate, implement and sustain these initiatives.
♤ Digital tools need to be encouraged in local governments as they are closest to citizens
♤ The IT Act 2002 need to be suitably amended so as to encourage use of digital tools
– emails, SMS for speedy communication among offices and with public.
♤ The public offices should make proactive disclosure of information as mandated in RTI act using digital tools like websites so as to usher transparency.
♤ Adoption of quality as a mission in government offices, as was done in Japan
♤ Demonstrating potential benefits in strengthening processes to enhance citizen satisfaction and thus overcoming resistance to change from various quarters
♤ Developing performance measures that demonstrate how these tools help achieve transparency, efficiency and accountability.