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2.3. Good Governance Initiatives in India

India has to make big leaps to improve its governance records. Multiple steps have been taken in this regard. For example, the two biggest initiatives which have been taken in India for empowering common man and effective functioning of governance include Right to Information Act and E-governance measures.

Good governance initiatives can be summarized as following:

Decentralization and People’s Participation - 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment Act (Covered in Polity section)

Developing programs for weaker sections and backward areas (Covered in Social Justice section)

Financial management and budget sanctity (Covered in Paper 3)

Simplification of procedures and processes

Citizen’s Charters

Sevottam model

Redress of Citizen’s Grievances

E-Governance and use of ICT tools

Public service morale & anti‐corruption measures

Transparency and Accountability measures

Right to Information (Covered in Paper 4)

Social Audits