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4.6. Socio-Cultural Hurdles in Penetration of SHGs in Rural Areas

There has been uneven distribution in the spread of SHGs in India. Socio-cultural factors along with government support and presence of NGOs have been major reasons for that. In March 2001, 71% of the linked SHG, were from southern region consisting of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Naidu.

While poor performing states are also those states which have high incidence of poverty like UP and Bihar.

These are also the states where society is deeply entrenched in patriarchy with limited financial and social role for women.

Also the spirit of entrepreneurship is discouraged in a feudal society. The traditional society dictate strict role for male and female members with little scope for independent decision making and economic freedom.

Due to family responsibilities, majority of the women members cannot give their attention to their enterprises.

One of the major hurdles in lack of support from family members.

Due to male dominated society, women members could not uplift their business followed by lack of social mobility.

There is no stability of the units as many married women are not in a position to associate with the group due to the shift of their place of residence.

In many SHGs strong members try to earn a major share of the profit of the group, by exploiting the ignorance and illiterate members.