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Figure 9: Distribution of volcanoes

3.6. Effects of volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruption causes heavy damage to human life and property. Some of them are as under:

Large volumes of hot lava moving at a fast speed can bury man-made buildings, kill people and animals, destroy agricultural farms and pastures, burn and destroy forests.

The fall out of large quantities of fragmented materials, dust, ash, smoke, etc., creates health hazards due to poisonous gases emitted during eruption. It also causes acid rain.

If the explosive eruption has occurred suddenly, the human beings get no time to escape to safer places. Heavy rains mixed with volcanic dust and ash cause enormous mud-flow on the steep slopes of the cones.

Earthquakes caused due to explosive eruptions can generate destructive tsunamis, seismic waves, etc. These can cause loss of life and property in the affected coastal regions.

The volcanic eruptions can change the heat balance of the Earth and the atmosphere, causing climatic changes.

But there are many positive effects also. Some of them are:

Lava can give rise to fertile soils. Most of the precious stones are formed due to volcanic activity.

Geysers and springs are tourist attraction and are also important from the medical point of view due to the chemicals dissolved in them.

Some crater lakes are source of rivers and often offer scenic attraction for tourists.

Most of the volcanic rocks when exposed on the surface are a storehouse of metals and minerals.