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Figure 3: Seismic Zones of India

The following table gives the distribution of various regions of the country into various seismic zones:


Damage risk


Zone V

Very high damage risk zone

The entire North-east, including the seven sister states, the Kutch district, parts of Himachal and Jammu & Kashmir, and the Andaman

and Nicobar islands.

Zone IV

High damage risk zone

Parts of the Northern belt starting from Jammu and Kashmir to Himachal Pradesh. Also including Delhi and parts of Haryana. The Koyna region of Maharashtra is also in this zone.

Zone III

Moderate damage risk zone

A large part of the country stretching from the North including some parts of Rajasthan to the South through the Konkan coast, and also

the Eastern parts of the country.

Zone II

Low damage risk zone

These two zones are contiguous, covering parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan, known as

low risk earthquake zones.