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INTRODUCTIONCHARACTERISTICS OF SOILHumusSoil TextureSoil StructureSoil AciditySoil AirSoil WaterSoil HorizonSoil ProfileCLASSIFICATION OF SOILS OF INDIA1. Alluvial Soils2. Red Soils4. Desert Soils5. Laterite Soils6. Mountain Soils7. Red and Black Soils8. Grey and Brown Soils9. Submontane Soils10. Saline and Alkaline Soils11. Peaty and Marshy Soils12. Karewa Soil13. SnowfieldsPROBLEMS OF INDIAN SOILS(i) Soil Erosion(ii) Declining Soil Fertility(iii) Water-Logging(iv) Saline and Alkaline Soils(v) Salt FlatsCONSEQUENCES OF SOIL EROSIONSOIL CONSERVATION1. Afforestation2. Restriction on the Felling of Trees3. Contour Ploughing and Strip Cultivation4. Control of Floods5. Reclamation of Ravine and Badlands6. Restriction on Shifting Cultivation7. Restoration of Long Fallow8. Reclamation of Saline and Alkaline (usar) Soil9. Other Measures of Soil ConservationNATURAL RESOURCESMINERAL RESOURCESDistribution of MineralsMineral Belts of IndiaClassification of Mineral Resources1. Mineral Fuels2. Metallic MineralsNon-Metallic MineralsBIOTIC RESOURCESCattleBuffaloesGoat RearingSheep RearingPoultry FarmingSOURCES OF CONVENTIONAL ENERGYClassificationDistributionCoal Deposits of the Tertiary PeriodProblems of Coal IndustryConservation of CoalPetroleumCrude-Oil Producing Regions1. The Western Coast Offshore Oilfields2. The Gujarat CoastImportPipelines1. Pipelines of North-East IndiaOU Refineries of IndiaNatural GasElectricityHydro-ElectricityRegional PatternsThermal ElectricityNuclear EnergyNON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGYSolar EnergyWind EnergyOcean EnergyGeothermal EnergyBio-EnergyENERGY CRISISENERGY CONSERVATION