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Comparison of the Peninsular and the Extra-Peninsular Rivers SHIFTING COURSES OF THE RIVERS

An interesting phenomenon of most of the Extra-Peninsular rivers and that of the Peninsular have shifting courses, especially in their lower reaches. In the upper reaches, the Himalayan rivers have the tendencies of river capturing. River capturing is mainly caused by the headward erosion of the river. In the plain areas, generally, the rivers form meanders in their courses. During floods, due to increased quantity of water, the streams try to straigthen their courses. Earth

movements do have their role in affecting these processes. Some of the important river captures are as under:

The ancient Saraswati River, which provided an abode for early Aryan settlers, presents a typical example of shifting courses and river capturing. Descending from the Himalayan ranges, its initial course during the pre-historic period was passing near Churu (about 2000 to 3000 BC), and the Luni river was one of its tributaries. It gradually shifted towards west till it joined the Satluj near Ahmadpur. Later on, the water of its upper course was captured by a tributary of the Ganga River as a result of which its lower course became dry. This gave birth to Yamuna River, an important tributary of the Ganga System. Even today the dry valley of the Saraswati River is found in Rajasthan area in the form of Ghaggar valley. Similar shifting has also been observed in the rivers of the Punjab during the historical past. The records of the third century BC show that the Indus flowed more than 130 km east of its present course, through the now practically dry beds of the deserted channel, to the Rann of Kachchh which was then a gulf of the Arabian Sea. Later on, it gradually shifted towards the west and occupied its present position. During the reign of Akbar the Great, the Chenab andjhelum rivers joined the Indus near Uch (Pakistan), but their present confluence lies near Mithankot about 100 km downstream of the old place of confluence. Similarly, Multan was formerly located along the Ravi River, but today it is situated about 60 km south of its confluence with the Chenab. About 250 years ago the Beas river changed its old course, traces of which are still found between Montgomery and Multan, and joined the Satluj river near Sultanpur. In the early part of the Christian Era the Satluj had more easterly course and independently discharged its water into the Arabian Sea.

About 250 years ago, the Brahmaputra flowing through Mymensingh was discharging its waters into the Meghna River. Tn due course of time, it straightened its course and joined the Ganga (Padma) River forming a new stream calledjamuna in Rangpur andjamalpur districts of Banglasesh. A feeble channel of the Brahmaputra is still flowing along the same old course and retains the old name. This change in the course was associated with 30 m rise in Madhopur forest area between 1720-1830 AD Even the entry of the Brahmaputra to the plains of Assam is also the outcome of the process of river capturing. According to geologists, during early days, the Tsangpo river of Tibet taking an easterly course used to join the Irrawaddy River (Myanmar) through the Chindwin, which was then a large river, transporting huge quantity of water. Later on, a small river flowing along the southern slopes of the Himalayas through its headward erosion captured the water of the Tsangpo River and, thus, helped in the evolution of the stream of Brahmaputra.

Similarly, Kapili, a tributary of the Brahmaputra, has captured the waters of the Meghna river of Bangladesh. In old days, the Meghna originated from the Brail Ranges (between Meghalaya and Manipur) and flowing southward, emptied its waters in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal. But Kapili, through headward erosion, captured its northern course. The Lumding-Halflong Pass is an evidence of this abandoned valley. In a similar way, the Dhansiri River capturing the water of a tributary, Kapili River has helped in the formation of anew river called Jumuna (Assam).

There can be numerous causes responsible for the shifting of river courses. These include the shifting gentle slope of the Great Plains of India, meandering courses of the rivers, straightening of the river courses during floods, upliftment of the Potwar Plateau (Delhi-Sii hind Plateau), downwarping of the Maida Gap, rise in the Madhopur forest area and uplift of the Barind area.