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The Yamuna River (length USObm-f

This is the longest and the western-most tributary of tire Ganga. Its source lies in the Yamunotri Glacier ira the western slopes of Bandcrpunch (6316 ml. Downwards, it is joined by Tons river behind the Mussoorie Range (Uttarakhand), From the Mussoorie Range, it debouches into the plains where it Hows in abroad curve. Making a boundary between Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, it passes Delhi, Mathura, Agra and flows southward until it joins the Ganga at Allahabad. The important tributaries of the Yamuna arc mostly the right bank tributaries, originating from the Aravallis (Rajasthan), Vindhyan Range, and the Malwa Plateau of Madhya Pradesh. The Chambal, Sind. Ui-Iwa, Ken and 16ns are the main righthand tributaries of the Yamuna River.

It is believed that during the Vedic period, the River Yamuna might have flowed towards south and .southwest through Bikaner m Rajasthan, and .shared its water with the legendary River Saraswati.