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10. GS Mains Test Series Questions


1. “As opposed to conventional urban sprawls, the new urbanization is rapidly incorporating villages into its fold.” Elaborate this statement in the context of the growth of census towns in 2011 census.Answer:2. Describe “counter-urbanization” and “suburbanization” in the context of India.Answer:3. Urbanisation and migration have increased the vulnerability of elderly in India. Comment. Also, discuss the measures which should be taken to address their vulnerabilities.Answer:4. In post-independence India, cities were expected to be a vehicle for social change, but they also became the symbols of contradictions, which had been plaguing the countryside for a long time. Comment.Answer:5. Rapid urban growth in the context of scarce socio-economic and legal support to the poor is an inevitable recipe for mass production of slums. Discuss in the context of India.Answer:6. With overpopulated cities and their strained infrastructure, India is in the midst of an urban crisis. How far can the Smart Cities Mission help in upgradation of existing cities in the country? What are the reservations of local bodies with respect to this mission?Answer:7. Give an account of the factors driving people to migrate from the countryside to urban areas even if it entails living in slums. Highlight some important facts about slums unique to India. Also discuss some strategies which can be adopted for transforming India's slums.Answer:Unique FactsStrategies for Transformation8. Whereas the UN Habitat report calls cities “the highest pinnacles of human creation”, the moot question is what form the cities of developing world should take. In context of this statement, examine the contending strategies of urbanisation, with respect to India.Answer:9. Rather than being a transitory phenomenon of fast-growing economies, today's slums pose deeper, persistent structural problems and represent major policy challenges. Discuss in the context of India.Answer:Policy challenges10. While suburbanisation is a common phenomenon in most urbanising countries, it is occurring at a relatively early stage of India’s urban development. Enumerating the reasons behind this development, highlight the challenges it is creating for Indian cities.Answer:Reasons:Way Forward: