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Domestic violence is one of the most common forms of gender-based violence experienced by women across the world. Domestic violence results into violation of human rights and economic costs. It leads to both short term and long term detrimental effects on the health and welfare of women and their children. Living with constant threat of domestic violence is, as considered by experts, acts as a source of disempowerment of women.

Domestic violence takes the forms like emotional, physical and sexual violence by their husbands. It was observed that 27% of currently married women age 15-49 have experienced the violence during a survey period of 12 months according to NFHS-3. 55% of women who have experienced physical and sexual violence reported that they were injured by their husbands. Cuts, eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth and other serious injuries were the types of injuries reported.