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The Chennai Declaration calls for urgent initiatives to formulate an effective national policy to control the rising antimicrobial resistance, including a ban on over-the-counter sale of antibiotics, and to bring about changes in the medical education curriculum to include training in antibiotic usage and infection control.

Environment Technology Technology


Zero Liquid Discharge is a process that is beneficial to industrial and municipal organizations as well as the environment because money is being saved and no effluent, or discharge, is left over.

ZLD systems employ the most advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify and recycle virtually all of the wastewater produced.

Zero Liquid Discharge System ZLD systems provide numerous economic and environmental advantages for plant managers—water is recycled and reused, saving on the cost and treatment of raw water.

Since all water is reclaimed, no effluent is discharged from the plant, avoiding the cost of environmental impact.

The technology is particularly appropriate in water-short areas.

Zero Liquid Discharge Technologies for Water Recycle Reuse Applications:

Biological Treatment Systems

Physical/Chemical Treatment Systems

Conventional Filtration Systems

Membrane Filtration and Separation Systems

Chemical Feed and Disinfection Systems