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2. Anti Sikh Riots

Under the orders of Indira Gandhi government, in June 1984 the Indian Army launched its offensive against Sikh militants at the Golden Temple in Amritsar under the code name "Operation Blue Star". The army was successful in driving out the militants from the Sikh's sacred place, but this event angered the Sikh People and their sentiments got hurt. To avenge this action the bodyguards of Mrs. Gandhi killed her at her own house. Later the angry Congress workers and supporters allegedly began their brutal actions of killing innocent Sikh People in the country; Delhi was the most affected area during anti Sikh riots. Union Government appointed so many commissions to enquire about the guilty people and to find

out their masterminds, but nothing concrete came out of such commissions. The kiths and kins of the victims of Anti-Sikh riots are still waiting to get the justice after 30 years of the incident.