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Kargil War:

After the debacle of 1971 war, Pakistan adopted the tactics of proxy war by sending the terrorists trained by their secret agencies to create havoc and panic in J& K and India.

In 1999, so called Mujahideens occupied several points on the Indian side of LOC in the Mashkoh, Dras, Kaksar, Batalik. Suspecting Pak's hand behind such activities, Indian forces immediately started reaching to such proxy war which is known as "Kargil conflict". The conflict recieved worldwide attention because of the nuclear capabilities attained by these countries in 1998, which could be used by either sides. However, it the Indian troops regained territory with the help conventional war tactics, with special role played by the Air Force. There was huge controversy surrounding this Kargil conflict, that, the then PM of Pak was kept in the dark of such move. Later, the then Pak army Chief General Parvez Musharraf took over as President.