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[Note: We will discuss in brief only, the relations of India was Pakistan and China such as wars some disputes or background to some important events. For detailed information, students must refer their IR notes.]

India's relations with her neighbours were of central concern to her. With Nepal India signed, Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1950, which gave Nepal unhindered access for commercial transit through India and secured its total sovereignty and making both the countries

responsible for each other's security. With Burma [now Myanmar] there was problem of India settlers which was solved peacefully. Even though there was some tension with Sri Lanka regarding Tamil settlers’ issue, but it didn't become obstacle in the relations. However, with Pakistan and in later years China, relations suffered with serious problems.

I. Relations with Pakistan:

Strained relations with Pakistan owing to the bitter experience of partition further spilled into international realm on the issue of Kashmir. The Pakistan supported tribal invasion of Kashmir and resultant conflict drew international attention. India had accepted the UN resolution on ceasefire in spite of its advantageous position and agreed for plebiscite in Kashmir, which laid down two conditions for holding plebiscite:

a. Pak should withdraw its forces from the state of J&K.

b. The authority of the Srinagar administration should be restored over the whole state.

Above mentioned first conditions was never fulfilled, so there was no plebiscite there. Meanwhile J&K participated in India's general elections and then the talk of plebiscite remained irrelevant. However, Kashmir remained a contention in the bilateral relationship, especially for Pakistan. The issue was used to needle India in the UN as Pakistan became integral part of US led western alliance as a member of CENTO and SEATO. The Kashmir conflict didn't prevent cooperation between the government of India and Pak. Both the government worked together to restore the abducted women to their original families, a long term dispute of river water sharing was resolved –with World Bank's mediation and India-Pakistan Indus Water Treaty was signed by Nehru and General Ayub Khan in 1960.