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Swatantra Party

The swatantra party was formed in August 1959 after Nagpur resolution of the Congress which called for land ceilings, takeover of food grain trade by the state, adoption of cooperative forming. The party believed lesser involvement of the government in economy. It opposed the development strategy of state intervention in economy, central planning, nationalization, Public sector. They opposed progressive tax regime, demanded dismantling of license Raj. It was critical of non-alignment policy and friendly relations of India with the Soviet Union and advocated closer ties with the U.S.A.

The industrialist and big landlords had supported this party.

This party had a very limited influence, lacked dedicated cadres, so it didn’t perform well.

The stalwart of party were C. Rajagopalachari, K.M. Munshi, N.G. Ranga and Minoo Masani.