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The Chinese Constitution gives Fundamental Rights and prescribes certain duties for its citizens.

All citizens at least 18 years of age are secured the right to vote. They also enjoy the right to contest elections. Right to secrecy of all correspondence, freedom of speech and expression, freedom to join or form associations, and right to hold public meetings even to the extent of staging demonstration or resorting to strike for articulation of demands, have been secured under the Constitution.

According to the constitution, the government is under obligation to afford full protection to the preservation of family life in addition to the integrity of a person. All citizens have the right to personal security against illegal detention. The constitution also recognizes equal right of all citizens to education and cultural freedom. Equality of men and women has also been recognized in all areas of life.


The Chinese constitution explicitly prescribes certain duties of the citizens, which are justiciable. It is the first and foremost duty of the citizens to cooperate with the Socialist leadership in every respect, abide by the Constitution and all other state laws. They are required to protect public property and extend a helping hand in the maintenance of law and order. To defend the country against foreign aggression is also another duty of the citizens.