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Asylum seekers are those who escape their country out of fear and seek protection elsewhere. For example, people from Syria, Iraq and African nations are knocking at the European shores as their countries suffer from civil strife, war and lack of resources. Similarly, Bangladesh and India have been recently facing influx of Rohingyas from Myanmar.

Generally, the response of countries to asylum seekers has been xenophobic in nature. Arguments, such as, drain on economic resources, fear of loss of jobs, entry of extremist elements and so on, are given to oppose entry to refugees. For example, in Europe, Germany had a welcoming attitude towards refugees despite only a partial public support, whereas other countries such as Hungary and Italy opposed entry to refugees.

However, humanitarianism demands that humans should be accorded respectful treatment and meaningful assistance to fellow beings in the event of distress. Humanity is an end in itself and should not be treated as a means to achieve narrow gains. Additionally, every human being has equal right on resources of earth. Thus, principle of non-refoulement which forbids a country receiving asylum seekers from returning them to a country in which they would be in likely danger of persecution, has become a norm. Also, given the principle of international solidarity and burden sharing, nation states do owe a responsibility of protection and basic care towards vulnerable asylum seekers.

In this context, following considerations should be kept in mind for designing a refugee policy:

It must be pragmatic while at the same time guided by principles of humanism and empathy.

Case-to-case basis consideration for provision of asylum to individuals and families keeping in mind the threats towards national security.

Distinction must be made between refugees who flee to save themselves from prosecution and those who migrate for better opportunities. Priority should be given to the former as they are the emergency cases.

Proper resettlement and livelihood policies accompanied by short-term courses to learn local language and customs should be institutionalised by taking help from international agencies.

Nations should voluntarily declare their capacity to help and come out with periodic regional reports on this subject supported by logical arguments and evidences.

Refugees are not just the responsibility of the nations they seek protection from but rather collective concern of all the nations. One should not see the repeat of a lifeless toddler Aylan Kurdi lying face down on the seashore.
