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Comparison between British Monarch and Indian President

British Monarch

Indian President

Position of the King is hereditary


King enjoys absolute immunity; it’s

said that King can do no wrong

In India the President can be impeached for violation of the


King has no discretionary powers. He/She is known as ‘Golden Zero’

In India, there was a lack of clarity w.r.t. the Indian President. There was confusion whether he/she has any discretionary power or is merely a rubber stamp.

24th Amendment clarifies that he/she doesn’t have any discretionary powers. Real power lies with the PM, while the President is merely a ‘rubber stamp’.

44th Amendment Act again changed the stand, providing some scope for Presidential discretion. He/She could now send the request back to the CoM, though only once.

Comparison between British Monarch and the US President

British Monarch

US President

King as titular head

US President is both – a real as well as titular head.


Elected and can be impeached

No discretionary powers

Real executive powers, subject to checks and balances.

3. Constitution of the United States of America

3.1. Salient Features

While the American Constitution is the shortest (of any major government in the world) and the

first written constitution, India’s Constitution is the lengthiest written constitution in the World.

The American Constitution is a very rigid constitution consisting of only Seven Articles and twenty-seven amendments, so far. Originally, the India Constitution consisted of 395 Articles in 22 Parts, with 8 Schedules. As of January 2020, it consists of 470 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules, and 5 appendices.

The US Constitution was finalized in a convention held on September 17, 1787, which required its ratification by a minimum of nine States, for it to be enforced. By the end of July 1788, eleven States had ratified it and the Constitution was put into operation on 13th September 1788. The Indian Constitution, on the other hand, was adopted by her Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949, and came into effect on 26th January 1950.

America has adopted the doctrine of dual ship in respect of its Constitution and citizenship. It has two Constitutions, one, for America as whole and another for each State. American people have two citizenships, one of USA and another of their respective State. On the other hand, India has one constitution and concept of single citizenship for every citizen of the country.