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2.4. Democratic

The ‘democratic republic’, which the Preamble envisages is democratic not only from a political standpoint but also from a social standpoint. Thus, it envisages not only a democratic form of government but also a democratic society, infused with the spirit of ‘justice, equality and fraternity’.

The form of government envisaged by our Constitution is a representative democracy. The people of India are to exercise sovereignty through the Parliament at the Centre and Legislature in each State, which are elected on the basis of universal adult franchise. The real Executive, namely the Council of Ministers, shall be responsible to the Parliament. Though there shall be an elected President at the head of the Union and a Governor nominated by the President at the head of each state, neither of them can exercise any political function without the advice of Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the people’s representatives in the respective Legislatures (excepting the functions which the Governor is authorized by the Constitution itself to discharge in his discretion or on his individual responsibility).

In essence, Parliamentary democracy envisages the following:

Representation of People

Responsible Government

Accountability of the Council of Ministers to the Legislature