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Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019

Some of the proposed measures are highlighted below:

Simplified and expedited registration process with ease in compliance requirements.

Phasing out of the broad based eligibility criteria for institutional foreign investors.

FPIs to be re-categorised into two categories - Category I and II, instead of the present regime of three categories.

Simplified registration for Multiple Investment Manager structures.

Central banks that are not the members of Bank for International Settlement to also be eligible for FPI registration.

Entities established in the International Financial Services Centre in India to be deemed to have met the jurisdiction criteria for FPIs.

Simplified KYC documentation requirements.

FPIs permitted to transfer off-market unlisted, suspended or illiquid securities to a domestic or foreign investor.

Offshore Funds floated by Indian Mutual Funds permitted to invest in India after obtaining registration as FPI.

The requirements for issuance and subscription of Offshore Derivative Instruments have been rationalised.