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3.4. Limitation and Weakness

SPSC is only a recruiting agency and it is not concerned with the classification of services, pay and service conditions, cadre management, training, reservation etc. The Governor can also exclude posts, services and matters from the purview of SPSC. Even in respect of state services, the Governor can lay down regulations to list matters in which it shall not be necessary for SPSC to be consulted. However, such regulations shall be laid before the State Legislature for at least 14 days and it can amend or repeal them.

The role of SPSC is not only limited, but also recommendations made by it are only of advisory nature and hence not binding on the state government. It is upon the state government to accept or reject that advice. The only safeguard is the answerability of state government to state legislature for departing from recommendations of the Commission.

Also, the emergence of State Vigilance Commission (SVC) in 1964 affected the role of SPSC in disciplinary matters. This is because both are consulted by the government while taking disciplinary action against a civil servant.