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Grounds for imposition:

Art. 355: It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the government of every State is carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Art. 365: When State fails to comply with or give effect to any direction from the Centre.

It was hoped to be a dead-letter and was supposed to be used as a measure of last resort because:

It is an extraordinary device in the hands of the Centre.

It alters and infringes upon the federal feature of the Indian Constitution.

It goes against the people’s mandate by removing the democratically elected State


It has become controversial due to the following reasons:

Frequent use: Since 1950, the President’s Rule has been imposed on over 100 occasions.

Imposition on arbitrary grounds for political or personal reasons.

Imposition when there are different parties at the Centre and State level.

The expression ‘breakdown of constitutional machinery’ is not defined in the Constitution.

Misuse of Art. 365 as ‘directions from the Centre’ are vague and unexplained.

Biased and distorted reports sent by the Governor to the Centre, which results in

imposition of President’s rule.

A law made by the Parliament during State Emergency continues to be operative even after it.

The Sarkaria Commission has recommended rare use of this article i.e. only after all the other alternatives are exhausted. In S.R.Bommai vs. Union of India (1994), the SC held that the President’s proclamation imposing President’s rule is subject to judicial review and is liable to be struck down if it is based on irrelevant and malafide sources/intentions. The courts can reinstate the State Government in such a case. This was recently upheld in the Nabam Rebia and etc. vs. Deputy Speaker and Ors. 2016.

Even after the SC ruling, many State governments were dismissed without the compulsory floor test. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the SC directives in letter and spirit to promote the ideal of cooperative federalism.


4. Highlight the extent of President's powers under Article 352. Comment on the judicial scrutiny of proclamation and the exercise of executive powers under National Emergency. How is this power different from the one bestowed under Article 356?2018-19-1049Answer: