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Global Experience with Lobbying

Many countries see lobbying as an integral part of democratic functioning that allows individuals and groups to legitimately influence decisions that affect them. No country in the world, including India, has banned lobbying. In fact, a few countries even regulate the activity, prominent among these are USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and Taiwan. These countries treat lobbying as a legitimate right of citizens.

Regulations serve as a tool to enhance transparency in the policymaking process rather than restricting access to policymakers. In fact, that is one of the key reasons why the UK regulates the lobbied rather than lobbying. The effectiveness of the law largely depends on how it defines lobbying and lobbyists. In USA, lobbying is regulated under the Lobbying Disclosure Act, 1995. This Act requires lobbyists to register and report lobbying fees above a certain amount. It also requires companies to report all the lobbying expenditure along with the list of issues, lobbyists involved and the public officials and offices contacted.