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On Zonal Councils and Empowered Committees of Ministers

The need for more consensus building bodies involving the Centre and the States has been canvassed before the Commission because of a wide spread perception that governance is getting over-centralised and states are losing their autonomy in their assigned areas. While legislative powers are clearly demarcated and the fiscal relations are subject to periodic review by the Finance Commission, the fear on the part of States is more on administrative relations and it is here the need for more forums for co-ordination is felt.

Under the States Re-organization Act, 1956 five Zonal Councils were created ostensibly for curbing the rising regional and sectarian feelings and to promote co-operation in resolving regional disputes. Later the North Eastern Council was created under the North Eastern Council Act, 1971. In each of these Zonal Councils, Union Home Minister is the Chairman and the Chief Ministers of the States in the Zones concerned are members. The Zonal Councils should meet at least twice a year with an agenda proposed by States concerned to maximize coordination and promote harmonization of policies and action having inter-state ramification. The Secretariat of a strengthened Inter-State Council can function as the Secretariat of the Zonal Councils as well.

The Empowered Committee of Finance Ministers of States proved to be a successful experiment in inter-state co-ordination on fiscal matters. There is need to institutionalize similar models in other sectors as well. A Forum of Chief Ministers, Chaired by one of the Chief Minister by rotation can be similarly thought about particularly to coordinate policies of sectors like energy, food, education, environment and health where there are common interests to advance and differentiated responsibilities to undertake. Implementation of Directive principles can be a standing agenda for the Forum of Chief Ministers. It is pertinent to note that other federations like USA, Australia and Canada do have similar forums to facilitate public policy development and good governance. This Forum of Chief Ministers can also be serviced by the Inter-State Council.